Feels like God is gone?

How far does God feel away from you? Are you doing “everything you’re supposed to do?” You’re praying, fasting, and reading? The other day; you kept your cool even though you wanted to knock somebody out? Yet, you are still feeling distant from God. You’re thinking, “I thought God would reward or honor me for doing these things. What am I missing?” I am not a perfect reference; but I do not believe that God just wants you to check off the to-do lists of His or religion’s requirements. He wants you to make these daily decisions based off of your trust and love for Him, in your heart. You go out of your way to do things for your wife or husband for nothing in return. You just love them so much that you just want to see them smile. God wants that same willingness from you. When a group of your friends are waiting on your best friend who’s late, you tell them, “We’re not leaving until they get here. I know them. They will be here. We can wait. Trust me.” God wants that trust in Him from you. The good news is, God loves and receives you no matter what. The question is, will you receive Him? You’ll say, “Of course I do! Look at what I’ve done for Him! Where is He?”My math may be a little off; but receiving God with your actions is only 5-7 percent of the journey. God wants you to receive and trust Him with all of your heart. If you can truly do that, then you will know and believe that God is never far away from you.

Points to think on:

  • What could be in my heart or mind that is blocking my trust and love for God?

  • Is there anyone I could trust to talk about it?

  • What will I do differently today to show my love for God without expecting anything in return?

    Romans 8:38-39

    “For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”